Chapter 6 Bombs
6.1 Single bomb jump
Knights can use bombs to send themselves flying around the map. The simplest bomb jump is a single bomb jump. Light your bomb, drop it on the ground and right as it is about to explode jump into the air and shield.
Timing is crucial here, and if you time it so you jump and shield at the last possible instant you will go much further (perhaps almost twice as far).

6.2 Midair single bomb jump
Often when playing CTF you want to jump from the top of your team's tower. In order not to damage the tower with the bomb you can actually jump off the tower with your bomb in hand, and throw it before it explodes. It is harder to get as much height or distance with this technique – but it prevents you blowing up your own tower!

6.3 Double bomb jump – second bomb thrown
You can get increased height and distance by jumping with two bombs. There are a few minor variations on double bomb jumps. In this variation, you throw the 2nd bomb before it explodes.
- Light bomb 1 and place it on the ground
- Light bomb 2 and keep it in your hand
- Bomb jump off bomb 1
- In midair, throw bomb 2 under yourself right before it explodes to bomb jump again

6.4 Double bomb jump – second bomb held
In this double bomb jump variation, you don't throw the 2nd bomb – but you keep it in your hand when it explodes. You won't be damaged by the explosion if you are moving fast, because your character will have moved away from the explosion before the game tries to work out if you were damaged.
A nice way to do this bomb jump is to rapidly press Space (light bomb 1) → C (put bomb 1 on ground) → Space (light bomb 2). It is best when you need height rather than distance.
- Light bomb 1 and place it on the ground
- Light bomb 2 and keep it in your hand
- Bomb jump off bomb
- Keep holding bomb 2 as it explodes to bomb jump again midair

6.5 Double bomb jump – both on ground
This is the most difficult way to double bomb jump, however, it may be easier with high ping. In this variation, you light both bombs very quickly and place them both on the ground.
It is the best way to do a powerful keg jump, since you can light both bombs and then pick up the keg.
- Light bomb 1 and place it on the ground
- Light bomb 2 and place it on the ground
- Bomb jump off bomb 1
- As you are moving away bomb 2 will explode and increase your speed
High ping version below.

6.6 Triple bomb jump
It is possible to bomb jump with 3 bombs. You must be able to place a lit bomb in your inventory and then remove it before it explodes. Normally bombs do up to 3 points of damage, but a lit bomb exploding in your inventory will instantly kill you.
- Light bomb 1 and place it on the ground
- Light bomb 2 and place it on the ground
- Light bomb 3 and place it in your inventory (tap F)
- Pick up bomb 2
- Bomb jump off bomb 1
- Midair bomb jump off bomb 2 (with either the held or thrown variation)
- Take bomb 3 out of your inventory (hold F and click it)
- Midair bomb jump off bomb 3 (with either variation)

6.7 Multi (4+) bomb jump
Quadra, penta and hexa bomb jumps are possible with 4, 5 and 6 bombs. All of these follow the same pattern as a triple bomb jump but require you to put more bombs in your inventory. These jumps are extremely hard to do consistently and may never be useful in an actual game – but are nevertheless very fun to learn! The instructions below are for a hexa (6) bomb jump.
- Light bomb 1 and place it on the ground
- Light bomb 2 and place it on the ground
- Light bomb 3 and place it in your inventory (tap F)
- Light bomb 4 and place it in your inventory (tap F)
- Light bomb 5 and place it in your inventory (tap F)
- Light bomb 6 and place it in your inventory (tap F)
- Pick up bomb 2
- Bomb jump off bomb 1
- Midair bomb jump off bomb 2
- Take bomb 3 out of your inventory (the lit bombs will stack in your inventory in the order they were lit – so 3 will always be the first you take out rather than 6).
- Midair bomb jump off bomb 3
- Take bomb 4 out of your inventory
- Midair bomb jump off bomb 4
- Repeat for 5 and 6

6.8 Saw jump
An easier, but perhaps less convenient, way to do multi bomb jumps is to throw all of your bombs on the ground – and then throw a saw on top of them. The saw will damage all of the bombs and cause them all to explode at once. This huge explosion will send you flying.

Version which requires the help of a friend.

For some reason, a water bomb will push a lit keg with great force. This allows you to light a keg and then throw a water bomb at it to send it flying.

6.10 Keg jump
For assaulting enemy towers in CTF, you can bomb jump with a keg on your back. The way to do this is to light your bombs, place them on the ground and then pick up your keg. Bomb jump off the bombs, and then throw the keg in midair.

6.11 Saw keg jump
A saw jump + keg jump. This is a great tool for CTF which allows you to achieve a really long range and destructive keg jump. Since you need to be holding the keg you cannot throw the saw yourself – but it can be done with the door technique or with the help of a friend as described above.

6.12 Catching enemy bombs/kegs
You can catch enemy bombs and throw them back! The best way to do this is to catch with C and throw with Space. This is because the Space key cannot catch, only throw – so it prevents you catching the bomb, throwing it, and catching it again – which might happen if you just spam C. Be careful doing this if the enemy throws their bomb very late as you will just blow yourself up. Catching kegs is also possible with good timing, and will make you the hero of a CTF game.

Water bombs can also be caught, but you have to be careful, since water bombs will explode on impact. You must dodge the bomb, or catch it before it touches anything else. It's best to do this when the bomb gets thrown above your head, as in the example below.

6.13 Combat bomb
Throw your bomb right so it explodes as it hits an enemy. Usually the best way to catch an enemy off guard is to aim it just behind their character or at their head.

6.14 Water buoyancy for bombs
Bombs in water will rise very quickly upwards. This can be used to surprise an enemy.